The technique of mindfulness Shogal The technique Shogal Teens was created to be practiced by adolescents starting from 12 years of age. The method helps reduce anxiety, depression and distress, focusing attention to a single task, in such a way as to increase the capacity of understanding and the ability to use learned information in new situations. Learning to relax,and to focus are of vital importance for adolescents and young adults, as it helps them learn better, increase the capacity to learn and retain information. At the same time, learning breathing techniques helps channel stress and frustration, avoiding situations of stress and anxiety . The method Shogal Teens helps to create strong, empowered, and healthy teens, able to properly align your CAM (Body, Soul, and Mind) to achieve effective communication and emotional management.
Learn to relax, concentrate the energy and the focus are of vital importance for adolescents and young adults, as it helps them to learn better, increasing in this way the capacity to learn and retain the information. At the same time, a good breathing helps to channel the stress and frustration, avoiding situations of despair and listlessness.
The method Shogal Teens help to create adolescents and young people of strong, empowered, and healthy mentally, able to properly align your CAM (Body, Soul, and Mind) to achieve effective communication and emotional management.


Stimulate situations in which children have the opportunity to come in contact with your own inner being, through the awareness and the development of sensoperceptivo.

To develop the awareness of the internal and external space.

Improve attention, concentration, and ability to live in the present.

Develop a sense of security in themselves, respect their own rhythm and that of the other.

Increase the awareness of the know how to breathe well, as the most effective tool for relaxation and calm.

Develop the ability to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others from the absence of judgment and the opening to the new.

Develop the body awareness of one's own body through the acquisition of memories sensory reference, with the help of the postures and the music.

Raising children more empathetic, happy, and with greater compassion.

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