I walked along the sand to the rhythm of the gentle lullaby that the waves sang, with no idea of where I was going.
where I was going. I came across a sign on the beach made of driftwood with a message written in
magic marker: 'Even if you are lost, you are here now, and that is enough.
Lost... I could have been lost, completely lost, with no idea of how to find my way home
What was my home? Where was my home?" My spirit could have been shattered in all those
moments when I wasn't sure if I would make it, but I kept walking. I didn't lose my purpose. I kept
moving forward.
The sign was right. The present is enough
My life has been marked by transitions and uncertainty, unpredictable and frightening moments that have
thrown me in the exact direction I needed to go. I have no regrets because every decision that
I thought were wrong led me to the right places, at every step of the way. The thousands of
experiences I've lived and the miles I've traveled may not have been where I initially planned to go,
but they were exactly where I needed to be.
Where Hashem wanted me to be.
I kept walking
I breathed in deeply the fresh air of the dawn's arrival, clean from the sea, and walked straight
towards the ocean, or was it the sky? The colors blended so perfectly that the horizon was undefined.
Suddenly, the transition from night to day began; the world between worlds, between light and darkness,
magical and surreal. Time seemed to stand still. A kaleidoscope of vibrant colors streaked the skies and the
water's surface. The show reached its climax when the golden disc of the sun, slowly, as if in
slow motion, rose above the ocean, turning the reddish clouds into an intense network of stripes.
orange and yellow. The sun rose higher, the bright rays began to warm the air, the
colors quickly faded, and the show ended.
A new day had arrived with new possibilities, a blank page to write on.
Joseph became great while alone in a foreign land and gained the strength needed to
remain true to his identity because he saw the image of his father Jacob in his mind. And by tapping into his
experiences with his father, Joseph saw his roots, his foundation, his own image, his potential. I followed his
example and stayed connected to my roots, remembering the image of my ancestors. Because our entire
history adds up to who we are, or at least to who we are always striving to be the best we can be.
I thought about the powerful life lessons that our people have left us, especially in this moment of such
About faith: Never waver in your trust in God, especially when things seem bleak. it's the
only thing you can hold on to
My grandmother used to say, 'Faith moves mountains
And that faith is what will get us out of this uncertainty.
8 comentarios en “El ahora es suficiente”
Que bello mi Devorah … me sacaste a lágrimas del alma . Ahora más que nunca tenemos que estar conectados con Hashem , con nosotras y con nuestro pueblo
Mazal Tov muy querida Devorah excelente documento cómo todo lo que mandas y escribes , donde hay fe, donde hay corazón., donde hay identidad judía, donde hay solidaridad hay orgullo de nuestro judaísmo, pido a HaShem que siempre estemos juntos de pertenecer a Am Israel, y transmitirlo a hijos y nietos. Recemos y leamos tehilim por nuestros Jaialim.
Bello relato, ponemos toda nuestra esperanza y fe en que Hashem protegerá y nos guiará !!!
Es así Devora tenemos un desafío frente a un mundo de oscuridad donde la confusión y la incertidumbre dominan nuestros pasos tenemos que buscar la luz y el sentido a nuestras vidas a través de la fe y la esperanza
Am Israel. Jai!!
La vida es un libro en blanco que vamos escribiendo día a día Algunas hojas son limpias y luminosas y otras borradas por las lágrimas
Pero, seguimos escribiendo y amando a nuestra gente, acompañando y a veces acompañadas
La fe mueve montañas y es lo que nos permite seguir escribiendo nuestro libro
Espectacular!!! Palabras que salen del alma, llegan al alma. Gracias por compartirnos tu sabiduría.
Hermoso relato!
Agradecer y cobfiar en H que los caminos y tiempos en donde estamos es el correcyo
aqui y ahora! Gracias!!!!!!
Wow!! Devorah!! Que bellas palabras !! Que mensaje tan oportuno. Gracias!!!!