"Enough of control"


Devora Benchimol

In the depths of Chasidic thought, the enigmatic concept of 'no control' unfolds like a cosmic dance between surrender and trust. It is an invitation to strip ourselves of the chains of the illusion of absolute power and immerse ourselves in the mysteries of divine will.

Let us imagine for a moment that we are like puppets in the hands of the Supreme Creator, whose invisible threads guide us through the stage of existence. By ceasing to cling to the strings of our own ambitions and unrestrained desires, we open ourselves to the possibility of dancing in harmony with the melody of the destiny that God has composed for us.

In that conscious abandonment, we find true freedom. By freeing our minds from the obsession to control everything, we surrender to the divine wisdom that transcends our limited understanding. We immerse ourselves in the ocean of trust, where each wave carries us toward the shore of spiritual fulfillment.

Instead of fighting against the current of the unknown, we learn to flow with it. We become witnesses to the magic that unfolds when we trust that every challenge, every adversity, is an opportunity to grow and evolve. Instead of resisting, we surrender to the current and let ourselves be carried by its serene flow.

In this act of surrender, we find deep peace and intimate connection with the divine. We become instruments of God's will, allowing Him to direct our steps and guide our hearts. We no longer worry about outcomes but immerse ourselves in the present, focusing on living according to the spiritual principles taught by the Chasidic tradition

In the dance of 'no control,' we discover that uncertainty is a blank canvas where the most vibrant colors of faith and trust can be painted. We become artists of life, creating each moment with gratitude and acceptance, knowing that we are in the hands of a Creator who always has a higher plan for us.
The 'no control' in Chasidic thought is a poetry of surrender and trust, an invitation to dance in harmony with the divine will and find true freedom in conscious surrender. It is a reminder that we are puppets in the hands of the Creator, whose wisdom transcends our understanding, and whose plan for us is more beautiful than we could imagine.

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